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Song metadata and tagging

Song Metadata

Besides the lyrics themselves, the following metadata can be added/edited for a song:

The last two of these appear at the very end of the song, in the footer. The rest of the fields are either in the header, or accessible via a drop-down menu in the navigation bar.


If you enter notes for a song, the notes button will be visible even when not in edit mode, allowing you to tap to display them at any time.

Image Tags

Note also the set of image tags, which correspond to the tags in the search/filter bar on the library screen. Tap a tag once to set it; tap it again to clear.

You may notice that several of the search/filter tags are not visible here. The flag tag appears on the navigation bar when viewing a song (near the top-right of the screen). It is intended to be used as a temporary tag allowing you to mark songs as you page through them. The final two (backing track tag icon and arrangement tag icon ) indicate whether a song has an associated backing track or arrangement and are set automatically by SongSheet.

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